Guests of the party

Eirik H.

 is Henrik's brother-in-law. He's super good at quizzes, so feel free to ask him a quiz question tonight!

Helga Mariie

is Henrik's sister. She loves long afternoon naps. She has therefore often booking restrictions at the fitness centre. Anyways, she is happy to join you in a sun salutation.


loves Cheez Doodles more than most people. If you give her a beer with that, you have a friend for life.


likes something good in a glass + songs made by the Russ! Feel free to toast him - several times!


is Henrik's best man. He loves to travel, preferably everywhere and all the time. He has a dance he wants to show and teach you.


is Kjetil's best man. He is also a proud member of the Grønland Guards Association.


is married to Bjørnar. Before they settled in her hometown of Sunnmøre, she was, among other things, a prima ballerina in Oslo.


is the evening's photographer ++. Smile for the camera!


prefers to be out in nature or in his nice new Tesla.


likes delicious red wine and long-cooked stew. Life enjoyer, deluxe! Feel free to ask questions about Vilde's thoughts on jellyfish.

Kaja Ø.

has a magical ability to turn quiet dinners into late and wonderful parties.


is a handyman! He fixes just about everything. He has even built a barn.


is Henrik's groomsmaid. She loves animals and ... accounting! Feel free to ask her why she owes Henrik too many bottles of prosecco.

Henrik og Kjetil

are newlyweds!


is Kjetils' groomsmaid. They have had many laughs together, and she is about as fond of red wine as Kjetil.


is Åse's boyfriend, and he is a world champion in small talk. Ask him anything. And if not, he'll ask you

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Jens Olav og Ritva

are Henrik's parents. They like to be out in nature both in summer and winter. Jens likes fishing, while Ritva prefers to pick cloudberries. Good thing they have two large freezers!


is Henrik's cousin. As a child, she liked being a princess. Today she is a globetrotter. Feel free to say "kippis" to her.


is pretty good at golf. He lives today in Texas, but is from Finland. He is also Emilia's boyfriend.


is Kjetil's childhood friend from kindergarten to high school. In 2003, they both had large and curly hair, almost identical. Feel free to ask him for pictures.


is married to Ola. Kjetil and Henrik are very much looking forward to visiting them in London.


is both a relative and friend. She and Kjetil have also stayed in a hotel together in Sheffield, which she certainly can tell you more about.


is married to Dorothy. She is a nature-loving kindergarten teacher, and she is one of the four good reasons why Henrik and Kjetil want to go on a trip to Holmlia soon.


is Kjetil's handy brother-in-law. He was Kjetil and Henrik's guru on video chat when they were renovating.


is Kjetil's little sister. She is supermum to Amund and Marie. In addition to that, she always finds time for small and large projects.

Amund and Marie

are Kjetil og Henrik's nephew and

niece. They are world champions at sharing, and have perhaps the best sense of humor of anyone in the room.

Leena and Ari

are Henrik's aunt and uncle. They live in a nice little house by one of the ten thousand lakes in Suomi. Feel free to ask Leena to a dance during the evening. By the way, Ari speaks fluent Swedish.


is a trained nurse and the girlfriend of Henrik's cousin. She calls herself Jossu. According to her Facebook profile, she speaks Serbian?


is Henrik's cousin. In his younger days, he loved video games and fishing. He was always better at video games and always caught bigger fish than Henrik.


is Kjetil's friend from high school. There they lived together in a small and moist basement apartment. Jamie liked to give Kjetil nicknames.


is Jamie's girlfriend. Henrik and Kjetil are very happy that she was able to come today, so that they finally got to meet her.


is a friend of the newlyweds. Jostein and Kjetil got to know each other at college, but Kjetil's little sister Elisabeth knew him before that. By the way, Jostein ended up as something else than a kindergarten teacher.

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is Kjetil's older sister and toastmaster of the evening. She is versatile and engaged in many different things. Do you know what she did the last time she was at Sentralen?

Kjersti Aa.

is a true lady of Gjerstad. She loves good stories, and she also loves noticing how different, weird and wonderful people can be.


is married to Kjersti. He is above average

interested in hunting. He has traveled around the world and hunted many different animals and creatures, including Kjersti.

Anne Marie and Arne

are Kjetil's parents. They are often out on trips, both on two and four wheels. For around 20 years ago,

they also were hosts to many strange visits. They may remember some stories from that time, if asked.


is Kjetil's aunt. She liked his curls when he was younger. She also remembers the story of when Kjetil saw a ghost.


is Kjetil's uncle from Gryting. He taught Kjetil to drive a tractor when he was little. Uncle controlled the pedals, and Kjetil steered the wheel.


is Kjetil's aunt. She is wonderfully good at needlework, and apparently has her very own crochet hook which she can use on the plane to Gran Canaria.


is Kjetil's uncle. He and Gjertrud had a cabin at Gryting when Kjetil was younger. Kjetil and the sisters had their own path through the forest up to their uncle and aunt's cabin.


and Kjetil met in the Guards Association of Grønland. He's a smiling guy who is a master at cooking, building houses and kneading tired bodies.


is married to Pål-Christian, and they have built a fabulous house. The view over the fjord and mountains is unbelievable. Feel free to ask her for photo proof.


is Kjetil's childhood friend from Gryting. Their childhood revolved around Sim City, Ski Jump, Nintendo World Cup and Duck Hunt.

Elisabet R.

is Øystein's wife. She and Øystein organize a triathlon at Gryting every summer. In the triathlon, the pastries are more important than the ranking.

Johan S.

is Kjetil's uncle. He and Kjetil are clearly related, it shows when they speak. Johan and Kjetil's father have been captains together on a sailboat.


is Kjetil's aunt. She and Johan are on the move a lot, and together they have traveled just about everywhere.

Jon Olav

is Kjetil's uncle. He is a real biker, and last summer drove through Norway, Sweden and Finland together with his biker brother Arne.


is Kjetil's hiking-loving aunt, she can often be seen on roads and paths around Gryting. Does she know that Kjetil enjoyed eating her cat's food when he was little boy?


is Kjetil's aunt. They always find something funny to laugh about. Perhaps she will share some funny experiences from the long walks she had in Spain with Anne Marie.

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Eirik F.

has a master's degree in philosophy and chemistry. He has previously lived in South Korea, but still does not eat kimchi every single day.


went to high school with Henrik. They did everything together and laughed the whole time. The favorite drink is Redbull, preferably yellow, preferably with vodka.


moved from Germany to Norway because the lady of his dreams is Norwegian. Today, he lives with Elisabet and his daughter in Nesodden.

Elisabet S.

is both good at decorating gingerbread houses and playing Secret Hitler. She is always the last to go to bed at a party - hope that still applies.


is from Trøndelag, like several of us tonight. Together with Ida, he is a masterchef in the kitchen. Maybe he can share a recipe with you?

Ida B.

lifts the energy in the room! She loves Copenhagen. And is very good at spelling "equality" on the International Women's day. By the way, she is newly engaged!


studied law with Henrik, although she already had a degree in political science. She was supposed to go to the Justin Bieber concert in August, but sold the tickets. Why?


is the only Dane this evening, we think. Can you ask him why Danish sausages are red?

Kaja M.

should move back to Oslo asap! Her birthday is on 17 May. Michael Jackson is her favourite artist.


owns an awesome electric car. It's a red Tesla. He is from Sogndal, but lives with Maria in the Oslo-area. 


gets everyone in a good mood! She characterizes herself as a crazy foreigner. Feel free to have a drink with her. Her twins are taken care of.


always has at least three jobs - but she still finds time to visit Oslo now and than. She is into reality like somebody else in this room. Feel free to ask her who Patricia is.

Henrik T.

is not Kjetil's husband. However, he inspires in the kitchen with his delicious vegan dishes. He knows where to get the best falafel in town.


bikes Trondheim-Oslo in no time. She had a strong connection to Verdal. Feel free to take a few shots with her.


and Henrik had the same part-time job while they studied: They brewed tea for the lawyers. In their spare time, they laughed at the absurdity of what happened in that job.


is Emilie's boyfriend. He can cook a three-course dinner in 1-2-3 and knows everything about insurance.

Lise Marie

is at least as concerned with the planet's health as Henrik and Kjetil. She also saved Henrik from total loneliness while he lived alone in Molde.


loves nature! He is Lise Marie's boyfriend, and according to Facebook, he cheers for the Sarpsborg 08 football team!

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is a real spider. She and Kjetil have had many fun hours on the dance floor, both late at night and early in the morning.

Johan E.

is Kristine's boyfriend. He's allways says yes to the fun. By the way, he makes amazing pizza. Ask him what the

secret ingredient is.


is Kjetil's crazy friend from secondary school. Together with Arngeir, they started a very special club at the local house of prayers.


is Gjermund's girlfriend, and they like to spend time together in nature. Ask her where you should plan your next hammock trip.


is Kjetil's first roommate in the collective in Grimstad. They have shared a lot in life, including bedroom.

Anne Marte

is Arngeir's girlfriend. She's from the north, and she's also an expert on extremely small things.


is a friend of the newlyweds. She works as a teacher, but has been a gardener. And not just for anyone!

Olav André

can pull of both a beard and sequins at the same time. He his the queen of the night and is very often the last person to leave the party.


is Olav André's handsome boyfriend. Do you think he "looks like pøøøøørrrrrr people"? Tell him and see what he says.


has taught Kjetil many useful bar tricks, both during working hours and after closing time. Those who are really lucky might get to see her impersonation of Ida Maria.


is a fun southerner. He is Kristin's boyfriend, and both of them are great at making parties fun.

Kjersti K.

is a spontaneous mountain goat. She never takes it easy, neither on hiking trips nor at parties. There are some stories regarding her clothes and Kjetil.


is Kjetil's mentor and guru when it comes to steep mountain sides. Together, they have breathed their way through many nerve-wracking heights on their way to the top.

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Let us get to know each other!